
Friday 11 September 2009

Module 4 - My Friend Flickr

So this is Flickr!

I have finally gotten around to making a flickr account and have uploaded quilt photos. This blog will soon start looking like the long awaited quilt blog that I have been promising myself.

You can see my photos here

like that flickr puts a copyright symbol on all photos.

Some strategies to deal with copyright questions -
  • have the link to 'smart copying' on the bookmark bar for students to check before they use pictures and text.
  • students to fill out a section of their assignment where they acknowledge sources for pictures and text.
  • and ALWAYS remember - when in doubt ATTRIBUTE sources! and that includes using quilting patterns.
Other things I have learned over the past weeks:
  • how to use to shorten url's in twitter,
  • how to hot link using html editor, *pat self on back*
  • using flickr to put photos in categories,
and most importantly
  • I have made more quilts, bags and table runners that I remembered I had!

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Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...