
Thursday, 6 May 2010

My Creative Space

I'd just like to point out that April has sneakily disappeared from my life. There I was, minding my own business, enjoying the month and it went and disappeared. Just like that. No "thank you for visiting April, do come again." or "April is happy to be of service, would you like another day, or week?". Gone. In a blur of work, household and family duties.

Luckily there was some creativity going on amongst all the chaos...
...turning tea towels into place mats and coasters.

There's a whole lot more creating going on over here.

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. These are awesome. Ingenious really. I'm new'ish here. Do you sell them?

  2. Hi Melissa, Thanks for that really uplifting comment of yours! I only started making these just recently and haven't ever really thought about selling anything. Lovely to have you as a follower.

  3. hey there loving the tea towel print lovely indeed!!! x

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment. Excellent use for tea towels. I'm a drip dry kind of person when it comes to washing up so have to say that mats and coasters are a much better way to use pretty tea towels.

  5. what a great idea Quilary. Must look out for my new kitchen blue. Hope to see you soon.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...