
Tuesday, 20 July 2010

A Little Bit of Blog Post Magic

Quite a few times I have changed my blog. I like to learn new things about Blogger. Play around a bit with layouts, buttons, try out new designs. Sometimes it's because of enticing "would you like to learn about blah blah new feature of blogger" as I log on. Sometimes it is because of clever bloggers, who put interesting little bits and pieces on their blogs. Sometimes I just find things...
like this...
In Word there is the option to open a new  blog post. 
So all I did was type my post title (where it helpfully says to!)
Then I went to town with symbols and wingdings the body of the screen.

There's a helpful PUBLISH button in the top left hand side of the screen. 
You can publish in draft or straight to your blog, if you're game, which I'm not.
So here is what I was able to do...

Can I possibly draft a blog post in MS Word and put all kinds of fancy stuff in it?????
What if I'd like to put in a ©, or a T

Perhaps I can send a ) to a deserving recipient
How about when I feel like singing – r ‚ E e q
Or when something makes me J

What about when I don't like something - a M for instance?

Or what about a little if I feel like travelling.

So there you have it. A whole new world of blog post magic...

....imagine...the fun with fonts, sizes, colours, symbols...
If I can do this...there's no doubt you will be able to too!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...



  1. ooh, thanks Hilary!
    I noticed the option in word but ignored it..
    may have to give it a try.

  2. Oooh that may be a reason to finally upgrade Microsoft Office!

  3. I would really love to use this feature but am having trouble. Can you please tell me where the new blog post icon is to be found in a new Word document? Thanks

  4. Hi Jane, Thanks for dropping by my blog. This feature is in Microsoft office word 2007. After you have opened the program, go to yellow circle in the top left hand corner and a drop down menu will allow you to click on and open a 'new' page. It opens a window that says new 'blank document'and 'new blog post'. Highlight 'new blog post'then click on the 'create' button in the bottom right hand corner. The window you see above will open and you can get started on your new blog post.
    The only caution is that I have noticed on some computers that don't have the 'symbol' font I used you end up seeing letters or number not the 'musical notes' for instance that I can see on my computer. Apparently there is a way around that but I have yet to "pick the brains" of my in-house-IT expert (aka MATH or Husband!). When I do find out I will post an update.
    Thanks again for taking a peek over the fence...


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...