
Thursday, 1 July 2010

My Creative Space

Ms Diva 'so wants and analogue camera'
A What?
Ok, she really means a film camera.
Mmm I think we have one of those. So out came my Olympus. Then out came the MATH's Pentax. Then out came my Dad's Mamiya.
Camera choices...Camera heaven...Lens heaven...Even filter heaven.
And then there is this one - (Digital Photography Never Looked So Analog!). The Hipstamatic.
So my creative space today is cooking and photos...
There are 3 different lens and different types of 'film', but of course, after the fact, I have no idea which lens or film resulted in which photo.

I'm not sure that the sautéed mushroom looks appetising photographed this way, but it tasted really, really good. Perfect hot lunch on a bitterly cold day.
The banana cake looks and tastes delicious. This is a fantastic recipe that I've been using for just about forever. It comes from the 'ABC for Kids Book of Cakes' by Louise Hammond. It always turns out. We love our cinnamon icing, double layer is twice as good!

Funnily enough I have real photos that look like this in my photo albums.

To see some more Creative Spaces head on over to Kootoyou and see what's cooking over there.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. I don't think I've visited you before..hi!I like your different photo techniques, are those cameras from the Olden Days? Ha. My kids think that is where I'm from, they maybe right! Nice to meet you, I've enjoyed your space xo

  2. I would have enjoyed the mushrooms but NOT the CAKE!!!!!!! EEEEEEK!

  3. Yeah sorry about that Marg - I had to eat the piece I'd saved for you too to save you from it!!!! LOL

  4. Oh yum!

    Isn't hipstamatic fun to play with.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today - now I've found your lovely blog. :D

  5. Those photos are cool!! And sauteed mushies...heaven :)

  6. Food doesn't need to look good to taste good, that said I think they both look delicious.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...