
Friday, 15 October 2010

Halfway...Blogtoberfest 2010 - Day 15

So far so good. Half way with Blogtoberfest and I've posted everyday!
Todays post is "a bit of this and a bit of that" disguised as a coherent post by the nice headings!

A Call for Help
Do you want to help a fellow quilter and scrap manage at the same time?
Colorado Lady has put out a call to help her accumulate over 4,000 2"squares (she'll take scraps that will yield 2"squares). Details here:

The Yo-Yo Tree
It's finished, well finished in the sense that I should have put on a hanging sleeve before I sewed the binding down.
I love these little guys, they are such fun to make...

Granny squares in a new light
pic from A Quilting Life
I like to quilt. I like to crochet. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT??????

The End
Today is the end of the two week long Fall into Fall Quilt Bloggers Giveaways. Hectic and Funfilled are two words I'd use to describe taking part in the whole giveaway thing.
I'm looking forward to drawing my winner this evening - some lucky person will have some nice Christmas fabric coming their way.
I'm also looking forward to seeing if I will win anything from all the blog giveaways that I entered .
Even if I come away with nothing, I have to say that if the great people I've "met" count as a win then I'm a winner already! Don't mean to sound mushy and smarmy, but if quilters and crafters governed the world there'd be a whole lot of goodness going around and not a war in sight!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Stop Press
*Squeals of delight* I won the Fall into Fall giveaway from Samelia's Mum. *Squeals of joy*

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!

    So far so good ..... I have managed to comment on every one of your Blogtoberfest entries!!!!

    I can see a new quilt being made!!!!! Perhaps a combination of quilting and crocheting!!!!!


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...