
Thursday, 25 November 2010

Sprung... in busted!!!
I use pseudonyms for my children on this blog. Partly for their sake, but mostly as a challenge for myself to come up with something 'clever' that describes a part of them.
Well I was well and truly busted this week...
Miss Pi, so named because of her interest in Maths and Physics, has left this sunny land of ours for an indefinite adventure in Britain and Europe. She is following in her mothers she now has her own BLOG (as an aside she has also taken my vintage 'Lowe' backpack that I bought in Dublin in 1984 when I did the travelling thing way back then).
To her siblings blogging is now cool (well hers anyway!) but one of them had a look at the blogs Pi follows...yep you guessed it...Ms Diva found out her moniker. I tried to explain that I meant she excels in the arts (some families joke about enough sons for a football team - I have my own Corps de Ballet) - she took it to mean the colloquial "temperamental" I said busted...

1 comment:

  1. LOL Well that took a while!!!! If Miss Diva reads this I hope she has realizes that her mum has only the best intentions. Quilary has put a lot of thought into keeping her children SAFE!!!
    Hope Pi is enjoying her new adventures and yse i am reading her blog.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...