
Sunday, 19 December 2010

A Catch-up Post...

I have ...ahem...hundreds of unread blog posts in reader...from the few I've managed to skim over, many of us are in the same boat - it all comes down to this time of year...
There is a lot going on here, chez quilary, but not much posting, so while I am watching the youngest at her swimming lesson, this is the catch up post...

A fortnight ago, my dear eldest daughter's travel plans came completely unravelled when British Immigration in their sheer unadulterated stupidity denied her access to the country.
She was to travel for 4 months then return home for her graduation from University . For some sheer bloody-minded reason (which we still don't know - the official paperwork is so vague with statements like "we don't believe...") and their own ineptitude and stupidity - sent her back home after holding her for some 8 hours in detention.
Her Dad is British (born in Scotland) and under their own rules she is eligible for a British passport!!!
Their Queen is our Queen - I am speechless with anger at their treatment of her...they even denied her access to her prescription medication!!!
They wouldn't allow her to use the internet so that she could give them the phone number of our cousin in Scotland - she had the address in Renfrew, but not a contact number (it's a 14 digit number when we ring from here!)...they wouldn't let her use the internet to show her bank account to prove that she could support herself in the country...WAKE UP BORDER SECURITY, young people use the INTERNET, not PIECES OF PAPER to store their information...anyway I could go on, but I have to hold my anger to help her get through this awful time. She is shattered. Our cousin is livid and is trying to follow it up with their home office, and in the meantime I am using quilting as therapy.

It's been a happy mail week.
First was the arrival of the postcard from the Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap. Even though the links are there to the previous post, here it is again in all it's beauty.

Then there was this gorgeous bundle - an impulse purchase because of the Aussie dollar and Thanksgiving sales in the US - an enormous present to self...
I have to say that if anything could put a smile on my face, it would be these fabrics and to make the smile almost permanent,  look what was on top!!!!
I'll have a head start on Christmas next year, with all that gorgeous fabric.
The irresistible blue and tan kitchen prints are destined for some kitchen-y goodness!

Here are the 3 little friends who travelled all the way to Melbourne together to go to Mirabel Foundation as part of Softies for Mirabel.
Both Mrs Perkins and Toby are great patterns to make and I'm sure they will bring some joy to a few deserving youngsters this Christmas.

This is a present for someone, so I am keeping most of it secret, but I love the pattern, which came together so easily and I am even loving my attempt at free motion quilting.

Well I think I've done most of the catching up I had to do. I'd better head off and finish the binding, so the present can go in the mail on Monday.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. Oh Hilary, that is terrible that your daughter experienced such treatment. It must have been quite scary for her too. And then to have to come home. It's not like Oz is right next door! I would be furious if that had happened to my daughter.

    On another note, your fabrics are gorgeous! I love Pink Chalk Fabrics. Such a fab store and Kathy is a lovely person. They need people like her in British customs!!

  2. :( so sorry to hear about your daughter's travel problems - pretty ridiculous. Hope your new fabrics and the Christmas season bring you lots of joy.

  3. My husband and I are furious to read about what happened to your daughter and how badly she was treated. I hope that she will not be put off by this and will have a fabulous adventure somewhere else that appreciates and values honest young women. Congratulations to her on completing her university studies! Big enormous hugs to her for having such an awful thing happen.

  4. Hope all is well with eldest daughter Quilary. I love the new fabrics you have added to your stash. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
    There will be 3 happy recipients of the softies for Mirabel... they all look so cute!
    At this busy time of year I hope you are managing to grab a few minutes for yourself! Take care my dear friend

  5. So sorry what happened to your daughter..How horrible for you all.
    Hope you enjoye your holiday!

  6. Thankyou for my gorgeous tablerunner! So sorry I forgot to open it.... but Christmas Day was so mixed up this year. At least you got to listen to me open it.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...