
Thursday, 6 January 2011

I'm a Guest Blogger

Last year I got the surprise of my life when Leona asked would I write a guest blog post for her. "Who? Me? I'm not a quilt shop! or a designer! or anything!".
Leona is starting a new series where she is introducing her followers to each other, which I think is a fantastic idea and it will be a whole lot of fun to read about other quilter's adventures.
So now I am a Guest Blogger *blushes*
You'll find the post over at Leona's Quilting Adventure

Now in honour of this special occasion I think there should be a Giveaway.
In my post I said that there were some pieced hearts that I was going to make into something else.
So that is exactly what I am going to do.
One lucky reader will win the something else.
Since it is still summer holidays - meaning the house is full to the brim with children and the MaTH - finding time in the sewing room is a hit and miss affair, but I will definitely have it finished for you!
All you have to do is head over and have a look at Leona's blog (that's the only way you'll find out what you can win!) and then come back here and make a comment - anything that pops into your head.
I will leave this giveaway open till 27 January 2011- and announce the winner on the 28th January.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. What popped into my head is that you are one clever quilary. I'd love to see the something become a table runner. Well done and congratulations on your guest post.

  2. Congratulations on your guest spot! The hearts tutorial was really clear! You could make some of the heart patches into a candle mat for Valentine's Day!

  3. Congratulations Quilary on your new position as guest blogger. I remember that sewing machine!!!! Love the tutorial- might even have a go myself!!! Have a great weekend.

  4. That's the CUTEST little heart I've ever seen!! I love how easily it goes together! Congrats on being the newest blogger of the year! (and THANKS for such a sweet giveaway!)

  5. Thank you so much for coming to follow me! I enjoyed your post on Leona the other day! I would LOVE a red sewing machine. So cool! Alas I am stuck with my 11 year old daughter's little Janome. Yes, I am 34 years old with no machine of my own. :)

    I love your nicknames too, by the way.

  6. Hello! I found you from Leona's, nice to meet! I love your quilts and those sweet mug rugs! We had long time ago the same Husqvarna...and I think I get new H. soon!
    Wishes from Crete! Teje

  7. Congratulations! I loved your post no Leona's blog.Loved your hearts too.

  8. The heart tutorial was wonderful! Thanks for directing us to it.

  9. Cool - a red sewing machine! I love red!

  10. Thank you for the heart tutorial. And I love the red is my favorite color.

  11. I enjoyed your heart tutorial! Very timely!!

  12. Hilary, you're heart tutorial is awesome!!! I have been staring at it all week and have managed to make FOUR heart blocks already! Hooray!!! My little points aren't lining up as perfectly as yours do, but I'm still working on that!!!

    The red machine is awesome!

    Know that Canadian Kristin has been thinking of you, thanking you, and wishing we could sew together, all week long!!!

  13. I wish I could get my block points to meet so beautifully....... probably means I need more practice!
    Beaut machine.....

  14. I think I must be falling asleep sometimes and dreaming, I thought I had entered this giveaway....anyway I have now!! just been back and looked at your hearts and really like the mug rugs, and I love that red machine!!! Hope I am not too late it is only just 27th Jan here...Just realised I am number 13...maybe lucky 13...LOL Hugs Linda


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...