
Saturday, 22 January 2011

A Relaxing Holiday...

Home from holidays. Rested and relaxed? Not quite...
Yes that is the hot afternoon sun beating down...yes that is the bonnet of the car up...and yes that is an almost totally deserted street in a country town on a Sunday.

We waited for 3 ½ hours for the “ABC Man” (that's what one of our littlies thought was the NRMA) to come. Can I just say it was hot…and boring (well I wasn’t - I had my cross stitch 'milky way' quilt pattern - how good is that? Two crafts in one!)…there was bickering of the “she looked at me” "her feet are on my side of the seat", “why was she born” kind that always surfaces in stressful situations - either that or it’s their version of boredom busting.
Did I mention how hot it was with the sun beating down on a dark grey Tarago?
I think we gave the takeaway shop in Moss Vale their weekly takings in one afternoon.

This is the little beach cottage where we ended up and you can't stay 'unrelaxed' easily when this is the view you look out on and wake up to every morning.
The beach at Green Patch

This is on Jervis Bay and the water and the weather were pretty well fabulous the whole time we were there.
We had a few attempts at solving the overheating problem with the car, and managed to get around the area to get to different beaches, Husskinson, Booderee National Park and Sussex Inlet, without a repeat of the ordeal of driving down.

Murrays Beach

I'll leave you with the illusion that I am still relaxed and I won't even mention that the car played up all the way home and an overheated car on a hot day is not a pretty sight...nor a relaxing one either.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. Thats one of our fav. parts of the world. Greenpatch is a special place my husband went a whole lot when they were kids with his whole family, cousins and all and I was soon roped in on their big family camp adventures when I met Garry. We also stayed there for part of our honeymoon. Although the weather was not as beautiful and co-operative.

  2. Looks like you had a great break Quilary except for car troubles. Hope that is resolved now. I also hope you are relaxed again before the school year begins for 2011.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...