
Sunday 20 March 2011

Under Pressure...

Only 6 more sleeps till Sew It Together 2011.

I've spent today finishing working on my swap items for the sample swap. Apart from having to share the sewing machine will Miss Bee, who wanted to make 2 headbands for her big sister, things that I know I can do, I just kept getting wrong.
On a good day  I can make my own double fold bias pretty quickly. Today...
...I got the direction of the lines wrong...
...I had to unpick the teeny tiny stitches because I forgot to offset the lines by one row!...
...even the seams were dodgy when I got it together!
I waaayyy over estimated how much binding I'd need, and have enough left over to make a crazy binding for the bright quilt that is in the pipeline for Minky.

...and that doesn't include the green that I still have to sew on!
Anyway, despite these annoying hitches, I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out.
This is my favourite little tool, 

 and gives the neatest corners.

Four down, 1 1/2 to go! (I had to have a sample one for myself too you know!)

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

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Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...