
Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The difficulties of going away for a weekend…

Well it's that time of year when we deliberately chooses to freeze ourselves, when all instincts are urging me to rug up and keep as warm as possible.
Yes – it’s time for the Ski Trip. We are so organised that we have a spreadsheet that lists what each family member should pack, as well extra items like games, phone chargers, cameras etc
I have pulled out every warm item of clothing I own and still wonder if it is enough.

On everyone else’s list there is ski goggles, boots, ski socks, gloves, inner gloves etc. I don’t worry about those - I don’t ski, I like the use of my arms and legs too much.
What I end up wondering is “is it easier to knit, crochet or embroider with bulky gloves on?”, and “how long could I do any of the aforementioned crafts, without gloves, before I could be classed as having frostbite?”. Oh, the difficulties of going away for the weekend.

On a brighter note…lookee what arrived the other day:
Yippee, the new plastic insert for the sewing table that I'd ordered at the Sydney show...isn't it excellent?
Such a lovely flat, level sewing surface!
Just recently, I was in a mug rug swap and I was just a little bit late mailing it off, so I included a bribe surprise of two fat quarters of the latest Denyse Schmidt from my local Spotlight. Hope they sweeten the deal a bit!
Just another gratuitous shot of the sewing table!

Finally, I have been working on the sadly neglected Paisley quilt. Rows and rows of chain sewing. It's amazing how fast I can sew when the table top is level!
(Oh look, there is another picture of the sewing table insert!)
Well, I suppose that I should go and pack, wish me luck!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. I'm guessing you really like your new sewing table insert. I does look lovely, so no wonder you wanted to photograph it. Hope you enjoy your ski/crafting trip. I still have trouble imagining snow in Australia, but I would definately pass on the embroidery option with gloves on. Maybe some fingerless mitts and some crochet would be a good idea.
    Fiona x

  2. Hope you and the family have a wonderful and safe time at the snow Quilary. Lots of Hot Chocolate between crafting should do the trick. Hope the blizzard conditions have eased!

  3. Well you certainly are happy with your sewing table insert, we will ecpect great things from you now. Have a lovely time at the snow I certainly don't envy you at all. Rather just look at it from my window I think.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...