
Monday, 24 October 2011

Done...Blogtoberfest Day 24

Whoa a spell of hot weather really hit doubt now that Summer is coming!
I'm not complaining, I love the sunny warm weather and long days - it's just the first time it hits, I feel really drained at the end of a long day.

It doesn't matter that I haven't done any sewing today...this is some of what I got up to on the weekend...

Turned this folding it around a book, and creasing the shape...
then sewing a narrow hem down each side...
turning the flap back and sewing four small seams across the turn- sewn by Ms Bee herself...
 (here's another view of the seams laid out flat)...
turned the hems the right way out, tucked the edges under and ...
 slipped the book inside...
...and Ms Bee has the cover for her project on Japan...
Went to Marrickville Festival and found Cherie at her stall...
How lovely is it to meet up with other bloggers? It's just like we're long lost friends 
I came home with this...
I've always wanted a little sewing box like this, with a padded lid...
 and filled with all sorts of interesting, buttons, buckles, lace and oddments, old and new...

Blogtoberfest is racing to a close!! 24 Days gone - 7 left to go...I think I might just be able to keep going...
For more Blogtoberfest blogging see the roll here

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. The book looks great with it's cloth cover and the sewing box is perfect!

  2. Love the sewing box it is amazing.

  3. Thank you for the instructions on how to make the book cover.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...