
Saturday, 15 October 2011

MPAY...Blogtoberfest Day 15

Yay to Vic for bringing back MPAY - My Place and Yours

Today's theme is ON YOUR SHELF
All my shelves are messy, this is the tidiest.
No lovely bric a brac or sweet china finds *sigh*...but some lovely bunting to straighten and some supplies desperately in need of sorting!

And another blogtober post done and dusted (thanks for the new meme Vic, you saved me running out of blog posts today!)

Link to MPAY at PunkysMama and

BLOGTOBER here and check out other bloggers on the Blogtober Roll.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. I commend you for sharing a crafty shelf - no way no how am I showing you mine! It's a shomozzle at the moment, and that's putting it nicely!

    Thanks for joining in, take a deep breath, 15 days of Blogtober are done & dusted. ;)

  2. I shared the only tidy shelf in my house. Your crafty shelf looks busy and the bunting is gorgeous!

  3. the bunting is lovely indeed! I love your space here and the name of your blog. Coming over from Blogtoberfest to say hello!

  4. OOOOH! I love seeing people's craft areas! Thanks for posting a pic!

  5. Great! I have missed a couple of posts this week and love the idea of MPAY! Thanks Hilary and Vic :) I will start following and join in next time xx

  6. That's what about 99% of my shelves look like. But my craft stuff gets delegated to under the bed!
    I photograghed the 1%.

  7. That does look like my Craft stuff only tidier. I am not very good keeping it all in order. Cute Bunting

  8. love the bunting, I am just about to make some for a friends birthday

  9. Haaaaaaaa just like mine, crammed in within and inch ... love it!


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...