
Monday, 31 October 2011

MPAY...Blogtoberfest Day 31

This weeks, My Place and Yours, is "Where I sleep"
A quick shot taken this evening, with mood lighting so you can't see how messy my side table is!
Cute kiddie drawing are the pseudo bedhead. They are several years old, and they'll come down one day - just not yet...

To see some more MPAY "Where I Sleep"'s  go here

Goodbye Blogtober

Whew...I got to the, but exhausting. The exhausting bit is putting together an interesting post, taking photos, thinking of things to write about and running the gauntlet of family members who want my attention now!
Funny thing is nearly everybody seems to have started their final blogtober blog posts along similar lines!!

The last of the Blogtober posts will appear here

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. He he. I'm glad we're not alone with the children's drawings above our bed. There is currently a 'portrait' of me over my side of the bed, and one of hubby over his side of bed. They're pretty special. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very nice bedroom especially the kiddie drawing bedhead.

  3. Loving the children's drawing. They really make your sleeping space special.

    ... and hey - I just noticed that you're from Roselands. My very first time driving on the road with my Ls was to the Roselands shopping centre from the shire. It was in peak hour traffic... the experience nearly killed me. Clearly I am still traumatised hence bringing it up the first time I 'meet' someone. Sorry bout that ... but I had to share.

  4. They don't need to come down; now or ever. I think you should take the pseudo bed head to a whole new level & add MORE pictures in a rectangular shape.. or mount a massive empty frame above the bed with the piccies on the wall inside!

    Thanks for playing along; I'm still trying to recover from Blogtoberfest myself. ;)

  5. love the drawings over the bed, you must have the sweetest dreams.
    well done on going the distance with blogtober, here's to a more relaxed november for you ♥

  6. Congratulations on getting through Bloctoberfest! I only made it through October 16th :(

  7. Love your children s drawings. What a special idea having them above your bed


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...