
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Mail out…mail in…

I’ve finished my partner’s name tag for Sew It Together 2012



…and even better, it’s actually in the post, hopefully to turn up in their mailbox today!!!


this is what’s turned up in my mailbox in the last few weeks…

I was lucky enough to win this charm pack from QuietPlay


celebrating 50 followers (now over 100) and another Aussie blogger for you to have a look at too…thank you Kristy!

…and then I won this DVD from Samelia’s Mum…thanks Anorina. There hasn’t been much to watch on TV lately, and I only get time to knit my little Amigurumi critters if I can sit with the TV on, so this has come in handy.

Also, in the funniest/weirdest co-incidence since my parents’ next door neighbours ended up with our old lease stationwagon -  (that really did happen, same number plates, same extra bootspace seat and we lived almost an hour drive away!- and we didn’t sell it to them either) – the charm pack and embroidery threads came from Anorina’s shop Fabric Buzz…spookkkky!

I love a good mail day…

And finally a little bit more sewing did get done…

March Blogger BOM…just in time for the April one to get put up…darn behind again!


Today is a no paid work day so, after a bit of a much needed housecleaning, I'll try and get a bit more sewing done and blogged...

thanks for taking a peek over the fence…


  1. made and posted name tag- nice effort. I'm sorry not to be joining you guys in Canberra. No need to say, have fun- I'm sure no one needs to be told!

  2. The Tag looks wonderful and your latest block. Lucky you with your wins too. xx

  3. Oh, you lucky girl, winning several giveaways. Enjoy your goodies.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...