
Saturday, 26 May 2012

MP&Y…did you say buy?

Cherie has tapped into a theme I have been meaning to blog about for a while...showing you "stuff"...
This week My Place and Yours is all about
the last thing you bought

thanks for asking Cherie....

No you’re not hallucinating…this much fabric has arrived here in the last few weeks - all on sale, and the Aussie dollar was a bit helpful ( and it's way better than eating when something is bothering you), but the 
very last things I bought...see those 3 books...
they were $20 for all 3!...from Lincraft.
My local one has tables and tables and more tables of books from aran knitting to zebra soft toys (ok I made the last one up, but the a-z-and-everything-in-between analogy is a good one), and I lost an hour out of yesterday just browsing.

I’m totally in love with the paper piecing book…and with all that fabric I’ve bought, well now I have some thing to make with it all…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

So head on over to Cherie at Waste Not Do Want and do a bit of window shopping of your own…or better still show us the last thing you bought.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence…


  1. Omg Hilary, that is nearly more fabric than I actually own although I must admit I haven't added to my sadly depleted stash in a long time. I hope your husband doesn't read your Blog cause if he does you are well and truly sprung. Feeling fabric envy now. x

  2. wow that is an impressive bit of stash! You are making us all very green!
    Anyway, you need to please tell me what they are! Love the London one. What's he called? & the stack above it & the stack next to it - what are they?
    I work in a fabric shop but we don't have any of those! Loving you bought stuff for sure!

  3. Having a serious case of fabric envy right now! What gorgeous fabrics, can't wait to see what you do with them. Speaking of spending money on fabric instead of food, the last thing I bought was a 1L container of Hershey's chocolate syrup!


  4. Gadzooks Girl there's some gorgeous fabric there ... loving the black & whites. SOoooo now we wait to see the results, no hurry I know what it's like to have to ponder over them for a while first ;) Thank YOU for playing along Darling ;)


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...