
Friday, 29 June 2012

Full Circle

I've been running around in circles for the last two weeks because the MaTH (Man about The House) has been off on a terribly harrowing and draining two weeks of globetrotting for work...that is harrowing and draining for ME!

I met Wendy from Hartylittlepeaces at SewItTogether earlier this month.
She's asked us to help promote this great fundraising idea that she has been organising.

Entry forms are available from and you're asked to include a stamped self-addressed envelope so that your artwork can be returned to you, or you may decide that you'd like to donate your work for sale.

Despite my whining about the MaTH being away, I've made a bit of time to work on my's a sanity saver, and it's for a great cause...

so get that thinking cap on and thread your needle, or which ever tool you use for your crafting, and start making...

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


This weeks My Place and Yours theme is
TINS at my place…
Cherie is asking us to show what kinds of tins we might have around lying around, from new to old, even paint tins!
A quick look around and I found a selection: There are some tea tins  - the Bewley tin came from Dublin,the Billy Tea is a commemorative tin from a few years ago and the fair trade Ceylon tea tin was a Mothers Day present from the kids some time ago.

I also can’t resist quirky tins – like Noah’s Ark and the Juke box - and force the lollies or the biscuits they contain onto the family, as quickly as possible. My Dr Who tin was picked up by the Princess at Vinnies a few years ago – and sits on the kitchen counter holding…tea bags!

The strange brown tin at the bottom left is a remnant from my childhood. Dad smoked a pipe and used that particular brand. We used them to hold all our precious little things that we wanted to keep safe…would you like to see what I still keep in there?
My Monkees fan club badge, an original South Sydney Rugby League Football Club ( now known as the Rabbitohs) badge, a confirmation medal and some others that I don’t remember the significance of.
Maybe my children will look back at the tins around here with fond memories and remember those that held their colouring pencils, or textas, or various precious objects.

Hope you liked the peek at my tins, head on over to Cherie’s blog to see some beauties, and there are some lovely tins that you won't want to miss on the linked blogs.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence…

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Craft and Quilt Fair…

I can't believe that it is over a week since
I showed more restraint than ever before with this show…possibly because I could only get there at 1pm and it shut at 5! Margie, my quilt show "partner in crime" got there for the start and still would have liked more time there!IMG_4992
One pattern, fabric for the pattern and the clover binding clips I have been after for a while. The temptation was all there - fabrics, patterns, wools, 'gadgets', so many stands, so much to look at, but the word "hoarder" kept playing through my head!!

I loved looking at all the quilts, but it can be a bit demoralising too!! They make me wish I could spend all my time quilting - oh well not to be - at least I get to see some gorgeous creations and have an hour of heaven.

In the last two weeks there's been some quilting going on…
The quilts for Lucy and Gemma, twin girls of our new neighbours, were finished and handed over last weekend.

They were made using a charm pack of Domestic Diva and a layer cake of Hello Betty…it’s nice to know that I can make use some of my stash…I do have a hard time letting go sometimes!

This block is for the Sew & Bee Happy online bee and is the June block for Henny. 
It’s the “Maybe” block from “Modern Blocks” book. 
I chose the colours from my stash and decided the most appropriate word for the colour purple to embroider on it…

...passion for fabrics, quilting, and joining in swaps and bees!
It's already on it's way to Indonesia - I love the international nature of internet quilting!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Sew It Together…

Hmm things have been a bit quiet around here, but it's all good!
I've been away for over two weeks, and, sorry blog, I haven’t even had time to miss you!

What have I been up to? Well...I’ve been meeting with other quilters, knitters and crafty types, gone shopping for quilting goodies, spent time talking about quilting and  of course done lots of sewing and quilting.
I went to Canberra the previous weekend for Sew It Together (June 8-10) and Friday just gone (June 15) involved a trip to the Sydney Stitches and Craft show. In between there’s been a good deal of sewing going on! Oh what a blissful time!
Sew It Together was a great weekend that started with a shopping trip on the Friday to Addicted to Fabric, Bison Pottery and then Shop Handmade. there was also a few hours at the Canberra Handmade Market
I don’t quite know where to start…
perhaps with the cutest little name badge ever made (by Kylie)
or a bit of Cass cleverness to assign the swap groups
or the goodies that I came home with. Thanks to Amy, Joanne, Lily, Wendy and Michelle - I'm not sure which Michelle to link to (*embarrased*).
All of you are clever, talented and generous!
or the special SIT goody bag from some lovely sponsors…
IMG_4957 more…
IMG_4958 and still more…
So many things to make and do!
Doesn’t this look so much better on my knitting book?…thanks Clare!IMG_4962IMG_4961
…or perhaps some of the shopping from those Saturday stalls…

Yes!...more fabric...but it's oh so pretty and quite addictive...

I want to do it all over again, with all those lovely ladies who sew and knit and crochet and design and talk and laugh and befriend! Thank you Sheridan and  Donna for making it all possible. I'll be there next year!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

PS the Craft Show "show and tell" will turn up in a later post :)

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

MPAY...Our Family Pets

Joining in with My Place and Yours in it's new home at Cherie's place

Meet Turk or Turq or Turkleton, depending on who is talking to him!
 Meet Mocha and Rosa, two of the sweetest little girls around...

Big family...small pets...need I say more?

Head over to Cherie's to link up your pet/s...and see some more pet cuteness!

...thanks for taking a peek over the fence...