
Sunday, 24 June 2012

Craft and Quilt Fair…

I can't believe that it is over a week since
I showed more restraint than ever before with this show…possibly because I could only get there at 1pm and it shut at 5! Margie, my quilt show "partner in crime" got there for the start and still would have liked more time there!IMG_4992
One pattern, fabric for the pattern and the clover binding clips I have been after for a while. The temptation was all there - fabrics, patterns, wools, 'gadgets', so many stands, so much to look at, but the word "hoarder" kept playing through my head!!

I loved looking at all the quilts, but it can be a bit demoralising too!! They make me wish I could spend all my time quilting - oh well not to be - at least I get to see some gorgeous creations and have an hour of heaven.

In the last two weeks there's been some quilting going on…
The quilts for Lucy and Gemma, twin girls of our new neighbours, were finished and handed over last weekend.

They were made using a charm pack of Domestic Diva and a layer cake of Hello Betty…it’s nice to know that I can make use some of my stash…I do have a hard time letting go sometimes!

This block is for the Sew & Bee Happy online bee and is the June block for Henny. 
It’s the “Maybe” block from “Modern Blocks” book. 
I chose the colours from my stash and decided the most appropriate word for the colour purple to embroider on it…

...passion for fabrics, quilting, and joining in swaps and bees!
It's already on it's way to Indonesia - I love the international nature of internet quilting!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. I don't know how you were able to refrain. I wish I had your will power.

  2. I know what you mean looking at the quilts... with them being both inspirational and a bit demoralising.....
    Love the little quilts you made....

  3. love those quilts :) the girls will cherish them forever :) well done on the restraint as well! im impressed..


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...