
Sunday, 14 October 2012

Sewing Sunday...

I am running a Blogtoberfest 2012 GIVEAWAY on this post here

At today's GWS Moden Quilt Guild "Sunday Sewalong", I got a whole lot of house blocks made.

Little houses
in fact, all the houses are done! They were inspired by the Neighbourhood Charm quilt from Moda Bakeshop, and are part of the item I'm making for the Modern She Made swap.

I also taught myself a neat little trick.
If you are adding a small square to the corner of a larger on to get a triangle by the "flip" method, you sew along the diagonal, then "flip" the corner up and get a neat little triangle, on your main square. You also get a small pair of scrap triangles. I figured out how not to waste these - cause normally I'd just bin them....

When you draw your diagonal as your sewing line, draw a second line 1/2" away from the first (ie into the pieces that you will eventually trim off) and sew along it to give you another line of stitiching.
taking care of corner triangles
Then cut apart between the two lines of stitching (each piece will have it's correct 1/4" seam allowance.
VoilĂ  - you have one small scrappy square, ready to be used in another scrap project - or sew a bunch of them together and use to go into the backing of the project -which is what I'm going to do with these...
Corner triangles
Here are some of my red leftovers - turned this way, they could be the start of a chevron???
red house

Another Blogtoberfest 2012 post...don't forget my Blogtoberfest giveaway at this post.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

1 comment:

  1. Oh very clever idea, I will have to remember that little trick. x


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...