
Friday 26 February 2010

Mariners Compass is coming...and going...along

It's been a bit of a while between posts. I didn't realise how much I need a weekly 'play along' to keep me posting. That means having ideas, access to the computer, and time - and daylight -  to take photos of what I'm working on.
Although I will spare you the 'hippy costume' for last weeks 50th Math and I went to. (Maybe it's just taken me a week to catch up from lost sleep after staying out waaaaayyyyy to late at that party?!?) 

I've been doing a bit of looking around and might just jump in for the 2010 Challenge (starting for me with February March challenge)

This however is worth the wait...
... except now I can see a flaw or two , so back to the unsewing...

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

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Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...