
Saturday, 13 February 2010

My Place & Yours - Kitchen Love

Who has been reading whose mind?????
This weeks My Place, hosted by Punky & Me has a new meme, courtesy of yardagegirl and thriftnestsew about what you love in your kitchen. A subject so dear to my heart that I had only posted theres a tea towel on the wall on Thursday.
In fact there is a series of kitchen posts from it  disappearing to reappearing in my life. You would think I have posted so much about this kitchen that I wouldn't have anything else to say - wrong, wrong and wrong! (and I won't mention the biggish island bench again)
I have been wanting to show these...
 -  'blue willow' glass chopping board found in a $2 shop, rainbow coffee set with the stand from another, slightly more upmarket, but still a $2 shop. They go so well with the tiles. The red teapot came in a packaged up Christmas hamper with tea and shortbread - both of which have long gone - but the cute little teapot remains.
...and this,
the cupboard built especially for the 'blue & white'. There's a bit of willow and corning squeezed in there.
The newest addition is the round guzzini ice bucket perched on top - quite deliciously retro. Kitchen Love indeed!

Oh thank you Punky for forcing me to have to do this post!!

Take a trip over here and add your little bit of Kitchen Love to McLinky.

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

PS oopsey on the overdose of linking. I wonder what the blogetiquette is on the number of hot links in a post?


  1. I love your blue and white! Now I want to drop everything and make a blue and white mini quilt this morning! The laundry can wait, right?

  2. I love your collections, what wonderful little spots of joy in your kitchen!

  3. Oh I love the cups & plates in rainbows! I love colour! Just great!

  4. Rainbows in the kitchen...lovely. Your Blue and white collection is just gorgeous too.

  5. Your little display in the corner is so lovely. and all that blue and white is quite precious. I used to collect blue and white myself, but have moved on to many more different collections. Probably too many!
    Thanks for visiting and leaving your lovely comment. I have roosters and chooks in many other places around the house too!! Probably too many of them too! :)

  6. Love the blue and white of course. I have something for you to add to the collection. Hope to catch up soon!

  7. and white...oh how can I stand to wait now! Hope to see you really, really soon!!

  8. Or is that RIEU-lly RIEU-lly soon????

  9. Did you just hear that *groan* all the way up the coast?


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...