
Tuesday, 9 February 2010

My Place & Yours - Whats in Your Bag?

Have you ever wanted to sticky-beak into someone else's handbag? Well then hop on over to  My Place and Yours this week 'cause people are actually showing  you what's inside their bag. Can you believe it??
Here is a little look at what's in my bag. (The scrunched up tissues and old gum wrappers are cleverly hidden under the pile). It's a catch-all for whatever needs storing at the time and could be catalogued this way;

What I've been doing/where I've been:
  • recently went to the Edinburgh Tattoo at the SFS
  • Dinner at Masonic club with Netball committee
It's baaaaaaack!!! - the sewing machine is home:
  • Receipt for mended sewing machine
  • better cotton thread (apparently I was using BAD thread) and
  • a multitude of new machine needles
Work paraphernalia:
  • pens, keys, usb, 
  • oops - need to update first aid certificate for work.
Personal stuff:

  • iPhone (delicious Christmas present)
  • near and far glasses
  • wallet (sadly empty after trip to sewing shop)
  • 2 handcreams (one is supposed to be in the car)
  • Paris perfume
  • tissues and an ironed hanky
  • manicure set (Mothers Day present from 2009)
  • lippy, chappy, chewy, floss (I wondered where that went!).
Too many years ago at Uni, a friend asked what I had in the big that I carried everywhere. My smart alec answer at the time was 'my personality'. But in retrospect, I actually don't think that's too far off the mark. 'Truth in jest'

Play along and show your insides here

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


  1. Very cute post ...and you are so organised. If you had clean undies in your bag you'd hardly need to go home and pack! LOL

  2. I love how you've divided everything into what you've been up to! An ironed hanky....?! No comment lol.

    Thanks ever so for playing along this week!

  3. Looks like things wiggle down to the bottom of your bag too, only to be found later.


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...