
Friday, 26 November 2010

Clare isn't feeling well.
Here is something to cheer her up.
One of her 'babies' dressed and ready to go to Softies for Mirabel.
You might like to cheer her up by heading over to say hello.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence... 

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Sprung... in busted!!!
I use pseudonyms for my children on this blog. Partly for their sake, but mostly as a challenge for myself to come up with something 'clever' that describes a part of them.
Well I was well and truly busted this week...
Miss Pi, so named because of her interest in Maths and Physics, has left this sunny land of ours for an indefinite adventure in Britain and Europe. She is following in her mothers she now has her own BLOG (as an aside she has also taken my vintage 'Lowe' backpack that I bought in Dublin in 1984 when I did the travelling thing way back then).
To her siblings blogging is now cool (well hers anyway!) but one of them had a look at the blogs Pi follows...yep you guessed it...Ms Diva found out her moniker. I tried to explain that I meant she excels in the arts (some families joke about enough sons for a football team - I have my own Corps de Ballet) - she took it to mean the colloquial "temperamental" I said busted...

Thursday, 18 November 2010

My Creative Space...Barking

It's either me who's barking mad, to be cutting out another pattern before the giraffes are finished...

or Toby,whose barking has finally got my attention...

This handsome fellow is a cute and easy pattern from Clare's Craftroom.

I'd better get back to stuffing more body parts.

If you'd like to get an eyeful of a whole lot of creative stuff, head on over to Kootoyoo.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Christmas Present to Self...

Looking for some lovely Christmas presents to put under the tree
all for yourself?

 has a beautiful giveaway over here. She is giving away a gorgeous lap quilt that she made HERSELF and a lovely quilt pattern.
Ends November 26.

is giving away 14 fat quarters of Rosalie Quinlan fabric from the Sweet Broderie range.

ends Sunday 21 November

head on over the this link and you will find some giveaways that are running from November 15 and end November 21.

...or could just leave them all for me!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Up to My Armpits... Body Parts (I couldn't leave that in the post header...can you even begin to imagine the spam that would generate...yuck!)

After all the excitement of the birthdays (2 down, 1 to go), I am still trying to find time to get these little fellows sewn together. One more day of work this week, some housework to catch up with, and I should be able to get some reward time at my machine.

I had a quick look through the Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap Flickr page...there's a whole range of beautiful, creative, whimsical and delicious creations to sigh over. I am waiting for my swap partner to receive their parcel in the post, so that I can blog about it. I given a few sneak peeks, here and here.
Now I wait and hope that what I've made compares well to some of the gorgeousness I've looked at today.

And I've just glanced at the scary number of beautiful blog posts sitting in reader - I don't think I'll be able to catch up with every one, but I really want to read ALL of them!
Sometimes I really dislike the way normal life (aka responsibilites) get in the way of my lovely hobby *sigh*

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Ingredients for a Perfect Party

Take one jumping castle...
over fill with children...

 and squash occasionally...
Take some rainbow bunting...

some cute little visitors...
a few fun games...

some delicious homemade goodies...

And there you have it...the Perfect Party Recipe.
(The official cake photographer - me - got sidetracked on the way to the photoshoot, so you will have to imagine what it looked like whole - very like this actually, just bigger and with no cuts!...)
Miss Bee decorated her own cake  - butterflies, chocolate nuggets and hundreds and thousands - an 11 year olds delight...
Happy Birthday gorgeous girl - don't grow up too fast!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Giveaway at Bejewelled Quilts

Barb over at Bejewelled Quilts has two giveaways going at the moment.
If you post about one, you'll get an entry in the second.
So here is her first giveaway, that introduces her Mum and 3 other sisters, who are all quilters.
There must be some heavy quilt DNA in that family.

The second give away is for a whole stack of fabrics to make a cathedral windows quilts. This giveaway is here.

November is Birthday Month chez quilary.
That all makes for a slow crafting and blogging month.
Last weekend there was the party for 17yr old - Princess (in the best sense of the word NOT the spoilt brat sense!). A quiet BBQ with some lovely young ladies.
Today it's the 11 yr old - Miss Bee (the baby *sob* *sob*), with a jumping castle .
This time last year we had no kitchen to speak and there were no parties OR homemade cakes. This year has been a bit different, but more of that later.
I'd better get moving - a bit more to do before the 20 11year olds storm the fort...

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Thursday, 11 November 2010

My Creative Space

Someone is going to get a nice surprise in the mail in the next week...
A sneak preview of the Great Big Postcard Swap project.

The beginning of a softie for Christmas...

For more creative spaces pop on over to Kootoyoo

thanks fro taking a peek over the fence...

Friday, 5 November 2010


There has been a breakthrough! - (part of) the swearsewing room is clean!!
I decided that I needed to throw out the really small scrappy stuff that I'd been saving "just in case". Look how full the bin is getting.
As I went along tidying up, I found the perfect combination for the next softie. A beautiful fat quarter of multicouloured vintage dots and the left over bits from this bag.
...then I remembered the too tiny bit of scrap I'd thrown out.
That's right  - it is exactly right amount for the horns of the giraffe.
Now how will I ever manage to throw anything out when even the tiniest bit actually can be useful.
 Something tells me there will more hoarding and less clearing out going on now!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Thursday, 4 November 2010

My Creative Space...White

Today's creative space is about taking this pile of plain pants...
 adding a little bit of sparkle...
 to jazz them up as costumes for the school musical.
There is also some mending...another danger posed by mobile phones!
For some more sparkling creative types, head on over to Kootoyoo.

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...