
Wednesday, 11 July 2012

My Place And Yours

This weeks theme for My Place and Yours is:
At chez quilary, the front of my fridge is not a pretty sight - there is all the flotsam and jetsam of a household of 8.
MPAY fridge
But above…that’s a whole different story. My blue and white delights to make me smile amid all the chaos.

To see what all the other cool fridges are wearing this week, check out Cherie’s link MPAY post
Let's have a look at what's on your fridge and link up to Cherie's blog
thanks for taking a peek over the fence…


  1. Oooo love your fridge, so much going on, so much in one small space ... it's like the nerve centre. Love it ;~) Thanks so much Hilary for playing along, hope it's a wonderful week for you and yours. xo

  2. My fridge used to look like that but now there's not a magnet in sight. Love your cupboard. Blue and white always looks so clean and fresh. x

  3. Awesome! So glad someone else has a fridge covered with stuff like mine (I suspect there are many of us out there!)


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...