
Sunday, 8 July 2012

Under the Weather…Over the Moon

Since the MaTH got home from his travels abroad, I have slowly been succumbing to the dreaded lurgy. To the point where I looked, and sounded, (and felt) so sick, even the children recognised that I would be better off staying in bed.
I'm still coughing and sneezing, but I promise I’m covering my mouth and nose and you shouldn’t catch anything!!
Doesn’t this just put the biggest smile on your face?
She arrived as part of a beautiful parcel of Op Shop Swap goodies from my wonderful partner
Laurel of Miss Muggins fame.
Here are the other lovely goodies sent to me.


I can’t describe enough just how beautiful and clever and delicious is that little doily pouch…it’s clever, creative, brilliant and beautifully constructed. Laurel you are a genius.

I’ve had my tea and toast in “Mary” and read the magazines in my sick bed (plotting what to make with cute “button fabric”), pouring buttons through my fingers (it’s very theraputic – you should try it!). And paisley - just makes my heart sing...
Thank you, thank you, thank you Laurel for an amazing parcel of goodness.

You can see a sneak peek of what was sent to her here.

Thanks to Jody for organising the swap. You can see what other goodies were sent around the world on the flickr group

thanks for taking a peek over the fence…


  1. What a lovely collection you received, very lucky. x

  2. Gorgeous treasure - I love all of it however I'm a bit smitten with Miss Mary!

    Thankyou Hilary for being a part of the Swap.

  3. So glad you like all your goodies!
    I just came across this post as the source of the buttons for the cloud's raindrops!


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...