
Sunday, 7 October 2012


I was showing Minky my new light box and the conversation went something like this:

Minky: what's it for?
Quilary: well I can trace patterns and you may need it for your textiles...
M: First world problems Mum!...what did you go and buy one for?...
Q: I didn't buy it,  Dad made it...

She succeeded in insulting one of us and praising the other with one simple sentence...ahh the multi talents of a 15 yr old!
To say the MaTH was chuffed doesn't do justice to the cheesy grin he sported for a good half an hour...

Today is the last day of the school holidays, so it seemed the perfect day to make something totally frivolous...

 a sign for the dishwasher (I can hear the 15 yr old thinking "first world problems Mum")
Using some lovely scraps that came from this swap
It's my version of a tutorial that I saw over here. I was going to crazy piece the "dirty"side, but it was taking waaaaaaaay too much time...then I couldn't find the magnets I know I have stashed somewhere.

I thought I'd finish it today, but it's likely to stay a UFO till next holidays.....
 I can live in dream land that it will actually work even when I do get it finished...

I pieced my green and pink "granny square" There is only one more month of Sew & Bee Happy and I have managed to make an extra of every block. At the end of November, I'll be able to make a memory wall hanging of the group.  This was the October block...
There are over 300 bloggers taking part in Blogtoberfest 2012 , head on over and pick a few blogs to visit.
thanks for a peek over the fence...


  1. Well I think your very fortunate that you even need to put a sign on your dishwasher! Seems that I am the only one in our house that is intelligent enough to work out how to open ours. Does third world problems enter a daughters head when she buys/wants supposedly frivolous and unnecessary things? lol

  2. found you via your comment on our blog!!

    LOVE your 'clean' and 'dirty' blocks, they are awesome! and I LOVE your daughter's 'first world problems' comment.

    I have to fess up - a light box is on my Christmas list. At the moment, I hold things onto the sliding glass door to trace over them. Guess it IS a first world problem ... ;-)



Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...