
Saturday, 6 October 2012


I found quilts in two unexpected places in Alice Springs...

On our first day in Alice Springs we headed off to the Alice Springs Desert Park, which turned out to be just wonderful. It's set up so you walk through 3 types of desert environment - "desert rivers", "sand country" and " woodland habitat". There are fantastic displays of information, as well as the sheer beauty of wildflowers and scrubland. It also has one of the best "nocturnal" houses with marsupials, reptiles and was beyond anything I've'd want to sit for ages just to get a glimpse of the quoll that you knew was hiding in amongst the dark leaves and scrub...

Inside the entrance to the Nature Theatre was this stunning piece of art.
Wildflower quilt Alice Springs

This is the plaque next to the quilt - I think it tells the story best...
quilt plaque

detail of wildflower quilt

flower detail of Wildflower quilt

detail of Wildflower quilt
It was stunning!
Of course I could have stayed in front of it for hours examining it in minute detail, but the Ranger let tour of the nocturnal house, the bird flight amphitheatre and the Aboriginal culture, food and tools talk wouldn't wait.

The Royal Flying Doctor Service is an Australian icon.
Started in 1928 by The Reverend John Flynn whose vision was to bring medical services to people in the vast outback, some of whom lived hundreds of kilometres from hospitals and medical services.
The Alice Spring section opened in 1939 and it was in the museum there, that I found this beautiful quilt.

I thought I'd taken a photo of the plaque next to this one, but cant find it, so I did what any selfrespecting blogger would do and 'googled' the info...It was made for a "Sew Inspirationl" magazine competition and all the details are here.

Many more Blogtoberfest links here

thanks for taking a peek over the fence...


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...