
Sunday, 23 December 2012

Before the neglect....

there were a lot of swap comings and goings...

This was the progress photo and I mailed it off without getting a photo of the mutlicoloured binding…
Modern She Made tablerunner
It was received in 6 DAYS going to SWEDEN (take note Australia Post and USA post…you both took 16 days to get one item to Nevada…18 days to get one to Florida and there is still a parcel missing from October 13 going to Philadelphia!)
Here is the link for the picture that Karin too of finished tablerunner Modern She Made Swap.

This is what arrived for me from Kayla  - an amazing sewing machine mat -that went with me to the GWSMQG sewing Sunday...I didn't misplace any of my sewing implements that day, must have saved me from wasting at least half an hour that is usually spent searching for snips ,pins, cottons, bobbins etc.

MSMS collage

I made two of these sewing caddys for the winners of my Blogtoberfest giveaway:

 Sewing caddy insideSewing caddy outside
This green colour way went off to Irene, and a pink version went off to Jill…but I don't have a photo - that's the second item in as many weeks that I've sent and not photographed.


The Scrappy Bits Swap had to be posted by 17 November and this is what I sent off to my partner:
Scrappy Swap 2

I was really happy with the way it turned out...especially that gorgeous hexagon flower.

This is what came for me from Leona, one of my longest "bloggy" friendships

Scrappy Swap fabrics

Scrappy Swap Chicken Pin Cushion

A lovely scrappy cotton reel ornament came from Sarah at Happiness Stuff and Nonsense
It is so beautifully made and I love the old wooden cotton reel an lovely embroidery. This will be a real treasure from 2012 to bring out each Christmas.
Ornament surprise

Cotton reel ornament

The ornaments I made, and blogged here, were sent of to Cyndy of Wombat's Picnic

We are spending Christmas Day at my brothers place and 3 of my siblings will be there with all their families, so we will have a lovely, loud and happy celebration together.

On Boxing Day we will be hosting "Christmas" for my husbands side of the family...there will only be 8 of his 11 siblings - plus families -  there so it will be a louder, but equally happy and lovely celebration together.

I'm off to finish the desserts and crack the whip to get the kids help finish tiding/cleaning the house. Wish me luck!

thanks for taking a peek over the fence…

1 comment:

  1. lots happening at your place.. I do love the rows of huts... hope your parcels all arrive okay....
    have a wonderful chirstmas....



Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...