
Sunday, 30 December 2012


Hope you all had a very Happy Christmas. Our Christmas lasts two days -on Christmas Day we spent the day with my side of the family at my brothers place, and on Boxing Day we hosted the MaTH's side of the family - I've been in a Christmas induced "coma" since!

I am slowly awakening, and what better reason than for some

Celebration and Jubilation

The MISSING POST ITEM finally arrived at Leona’s.

Leona's Blog Header graphic

Leona's Quilting Adventure
Leona's Blog header
When Leona put up her new blog header I thought it would make a great modern quilt block. It was a bit of fun to make – it just involved a few rectangles and sewing on side strips that were then trimmed at an angle before the next one was added.

It was supposed to arrive in time for her birthday on 23 October – oh well 2 months late….hmmm that reminds me of something that I blogged about halfway through the year.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

merci de prendre un coup d'oeil par dessus la clôture…


  1. It is a mystery at times what does happen to our mail, but then I suppose it is better to arrive late than never. Thought I would keep your little french theme going just this once.
    Bonne année à vous et à votre famille. Je serai de retour en 2013 prendre un coup d'oeil au-dessus de votre barrière. xx

  2. Sounds like a plan, Hilary. Plus, you're back blogging again. Glad of that. I always enjoy seeing your projects and now that you'll be sewing up all that fabric, there will be more of your nice projects to show us. WTG!


Nice of you to take a peek over the fence. It's lovely to meet you. Do come in, have a cuppa and a chat. I will talk back...