
Sunday, 28 February 2010

2010 Sewing Challenge - sewing with knit fabric

I think I can safely scrape in on this challenge - sew something in a knit fabric.
I've just finished sewing this:

...however I may be stretching (ha ha knit-fabric joke ) the limit a little bit, cause I actually started making this last year, and it has been staring forlornly at me for the last eight months. (Also hoping it's not cheating having some woven fabric on the neckline).
This is the pattern I used:

and as I like to kid myself that I started this challenge on time in January I sewed this for myself.

This is the top I bought a few years ago, and it's so comfortable that I searched for a pattern so I could make more.

When I pulled the top out to finish, I discovered I'd bought material to make 2 more tops. I'll add them to my list of things to finish. Check in through the year and see if I've managed.

So onwards to March - a softie.

Have a look here to learn about the 2010 Challenge. Add your goodies to McLinky at Carolyn blog - My Favourite

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Friday, 26 February 2010

Mariners Compass is coming...and going...along

It's been a bit of a while between posts. I didn't realise how much I need a weekly 'play along' to keep me posting. That means having ideas, access to the computer, and time - and daylight -  to take photos of what I'm working on.
Although I will spare you the 'hippy costume' for last weeks 50th Math and I went to. (Maybe it's just taken me a week to catch up from lost sleep after staying out waaaaayyyyy to late at that party?!?) 

I've been doing a bit of looking around and might just jump in for the 2010 Challenge (starting for me with February March challenge)

This however is worth the wait...
... except now I can see a flaw or two , so back to the unsewing...

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Saturday, 13 February 2010

My Place & Yours - Kitchen Love

Who has been reading whose mind?????
This weeks My Place, hosted by Punky & Me has a new meme, courtesy of yardagegirl and thriftnestsew about what you love in your kitchen. A subject so dear to my heart that I had only posted theres a tea towel on the wall on Thursday.
In fact there is a series of kitchen posts from it  disappearing to reappearing in my life. You would think I have posted so much about this kitchen that I wouldn't have anything else to say - wrong, wrong and wrong! (and I won't mention the biggish island bench again)
I have been wanting to show these...
 -  'blue willow' glass chopping board found in a $2 shop, rainbow coffee set with the stand from another, slightly more upmarket, but still a $2 shop. They go so well with the tiles. The red teapot came in a packaged up Christmas hamper with tea and shortbread - both of which have long gone - but the cute little teapot remains.
...and this,
the cupboard built especially for the 'blue & white'. There's a bit of willow and corning squeezed in there.
The newest addition is the round guzzini ice bucket perched on top - quite deliciously retro. Kitchen Love indeed!

Oh thank you Punky for forcing me to have to do this post!!

Take a trip over here and add your little bit of Kitchen Love to McLinky.

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

PS oopsey on the overdose of linking. I wonder what the blogetiquette is on the number of hot links in a post?

Thursday, 11 February 2010

There's a tea towel on the wall.

I have a kitchen in need of painting - a new colour as befits a new kitchen.
I think I have found the perfect colour...

...that's why there is a tea towel on the wall.
I'm thinking it's just the colour I'm looking for.
The paint splotch next to it is the first go at getting the colour right.
Almost but not quite.
Back to the drawing board and wee paint pots...

Of course I have a bit more blue inspiration around here...
Practice crochet - I know I'll get there one day.

Fabrics for a wallet for a very nice niece.

...some just that little bit harder than others to hang on a wall!

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

My Place & Yours - Whats in Your Bag?

Have you ever wanted to sticky-beak into someone else's handbag? Well then hop on over to  My Place and Yours this week 'cause people are actually showing  you what's inside their bag. Can you believe it??
Here is a little look at what's in my bag. (The scrunched up tissues and old gum wrappers are cleverly hidden under the pile). It's a catch-all for whatever needs storing at the time and could be catalogued this way;

What I've been doing/where I've been:
  • recently went to the Edinburgh Tattoo at the SFS
  • Dinner at Masonic club with Netball committee
It's baaaaaaack!!! - the sewing machine is home:
  • Receipt for mended sewing machine
  • better cotton thread (apparently I was using BAD thread) and
  • a multitude of new machine needles
Work paraphernalia:
  • pens, keys, usb, 
  • oops - need to update first aid certificate for work.
Personal stuff:

  • iPhone (delicious Christmas present)
  • near and far glasses
  • wallet (sadly empty after trip to sewing shop)
  • 2 handcreams (one is supposed to be in the car)
  • Paris perfume
  • tissues and an ironed hanky
  • manicure set (Mothers Day present from 2009)
  • lippy, chappy, chewy, floss (I wondered where that went!).
Too many years ago at Uni, a friend asked what I had in the big that I carried everywhere. My smart alec answer at the time was 'my personality'. But in retrospect, I actually don't think that's too far off the mark. 'Truth in jest'

Play along and show your insides here

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Oh Brother!

Here is a picture of my Brother sewing machine...or rather the space where my sewing machine belongs.

It went to 'hospital' on Monday and it still hasn't called in (I do worry about the children when they don't keep in contact). I sympathise with The Handmaden who has had a similar story in the past week.

All I have to console myself with is what I managed to get done before the 'breakdown'

Here's me madly chain piecing Minky's quilt (remember the new year resolutions)

She might have even had a complete quilt top before her birthday (Feb 5) if I could have sewn 24 hrs a day for the past 3 days (self-delusion is one of my more attractive traits!)

The Mariners Compass is waiting patiently for it's next border. The border will have 29 pieced  paisley hearts in red and reddish tones.

I had almost finished this lot - only the few in the background to go *sob*.
Luckily I have some hand piecing that I can happily go on with.

Thanks for taking a peek over the fence...